Saturday, November 20, 2010

Tis the Season...

Today, Mom and Dad picked me up from the sitter bright and early (or rainy and early. Whatever). We headed up to the fairgrounds where we met a bunch of other people. I love lots of people - they all tell me how cute I am! Duh! I am SO cute! We were all there to pack bags of food for people in our community that are having a tough time.

First, we had to take lots and lots of food and separate them into types of food. You take a bin of food and distribute the items on the correct tables.

Dagan sitting next to a table labeled Cereal

This part was a bit chaotic, so I had to sit on the sidelines. Luckily, I had my "Go To Bed" mat with me! Love my place!

Dagan resting on his Go To Bed mat, watching the happenings
Here is Dad at the bean table. Lots and lots of beans! This was my favorite table, because it was right by my mat. While people put their food down, I gave them "the eye" hoping that I would get some attention. Sometimes it worked!

Dagan getting a pat on the head from a small hand
Then, the assembly line started! We picked up a special bag, then stopped by each of the tables to pick up the right amount of stuff from the table. We added 1 cake mix or brownie mix, 2 cans of tomato products, 2 cans of fruit, 2 cans of veggies, a bag of beans and a bag of rice. People walked around and around the room. I didn't get to walk the whole time because of my pano. But, I did get to do some laps. Here I am waiting in line.

Dagan's head as he stands amongst a bunch of legs in the assembly lineThere were lots and lots of bags to pack! It was amazing! Here I am with just a few of the bags.

Dagan sitting in front of piles and piles of packed bagsIt was a long morning and I was way tired in the end! So tired that, when I was napping at home I didn't even wake up to a HUGE clap of thunder that shook the house! Mom almost dove for cover, thinking that the house was falling down around her!

Again, it feels good to do for others.
Wags and Wiggles,

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