Ok, I've been fairly quiet lately! Sorry about that! We had a really busy week last week. Then, a really busy weekend! Then, on Monday, I thought all was back to normal. Or I did until Mom came to get me out of my crate early. It wasn't time to leave work yet! What was she thinking?!?!

We drove down to GDB and walked into the kennel. I was excited, but Mom said I ROCKED the walk through the kennel hallway!! Loose leash, calm behavior. I waited when asked, I stopped to chat with people. She said I was pretty darn near perfect (umm...duh!)
We walked all the way to the other end of the kennel to the Vet Clinic. I was excited to be there, cause people said I was cute, but I was a little nervous too! I hung there for a few, then went in to see Dr. Williams. He chatted with my mom about how I am doing. They put me on the scale to see how much I weigh. Dr. Williams asked Mom how old I am. She told him I am not quite 7 months old. He was surprised! He was guessing I was 12 months old! That's way old Dr Dude! Then Dr Dude took me back for some fun. There are super fun people there! They even made getting poked fun.
Then, we were off to the Kennel Reception area. Mom kept telling me to be good. Wasn't sure what that was all about - until someone put a different leash on me and took me away! Hey! Wait! Mom! I want to go home! Oh... wait... It's dinner time here! See ya Mom!
The next day was bad. First, all the dogs around me got to eat breakfast and they FORGOT me! Can you believe it?!?! I did NOT sign up for this! Then, they buttered me up and took me out of my run and acted all happy to see me. They took me back to the vet clinic... OK, they were nice there yesterday. Maybe they would feed me! Nope! More pokes! Then, I took a nice long nap. When I woke up, something wasn't quite right. I had a big helmet on and I kinda hurt. Finally, these people got their stuff together and fed me! It was SOOO yummy! Wet food rocks! Then, more pokes and another nap...
I spent the next day in my helmet, hanging around the kennel. I was still really sleepy, so I didn't do much, even though there were lots of friends around. Then, my dad came to get me! I was SO excited to see him!! He took me home, where I was equally happy to see my Mom. And my food bowl. And the inside of my eye lids. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

No helmet at home! Instead, I wear a big collar. It's kinda confusing. It's hard to bend in it. So, I don't curl up with it on - I lay out more straight than normal - no little balls! Speaking of balls... Yup, I got neutered!

I'm getting sleepy again! Time for another nap!
Wags and Wiggles,