Monday, July 5, 2010

Road Trip!!

Vacation started with many hours in the car. Ugh! Mom and Dad packed a crate - which is kinda off, cause I'm a big dog now! I don't use crates much!
Dagan sitting in the back of the SUV next to an empty crate

Not too far into our trip, we stopped to pick up this cutie:
Hestia lying on the floor asleep

Hestia is way sweet! Her family was going away on plane and she is too little to go. So, she's why the crate was coming!

After we loaded her up, it was time for the long drive. I hung out in the back next to the crate for a long time, but then I got tired of not being able to see where we were going. So, I climbed over all the luggage and settled in with a better view.
Dagan lying down on top of the luggage snuggled on Cassie's pillow, his eyes turned to the camera
It was great to see out the window and be near my two favorite peeps! Or - and a pillow always makes the ride better! Comfy!

Wags and Wiggles,

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