And another exciting week! I spent the days going to work with Mom or Dad. Both are ok, but not the most exciting part of my week (or egg-citing as people Mom works with would say - those egg people and their jokes! Makes me wish I could chew my own ears off!) Now that I have my big boy shots, I can start walking around the farm where Mom works. It is SO much fun - when it's not raining! Mom and I met some horses and a howling beagle on our walks. There were big tractors hauling manure out of the chicken houses. It is SO exciting to see all that activity!
On Friday, I got to go out to lunch with Mom's work friends. They went someplace where there was no food for me! SO wrong! Then, Mom, Dad and I hung out at home with the kitties after work. Mom and I got some serious cuddle time in! I LOVE cuddle time!
On Saturday, I went over to Margaret's house. She and her husband Jim are waiting for their own puppy, so I got to help break them in. I had SO much fun! They have another dog to visit with, a couple of cats, some goats and chickens! Wow! My head about exploded with all that excitement! I also got to take two good walks. By the time Saturday was done, I was SO sleepy!
Sunday, Mom and Dad picked me up from Margaret's house and we headed to Auntie Stacy's house. Her dog, LaniJo, is a guide dog - just like I am going to be when I grow up! It was so cool to watch what I am gonna do when I grown up. All 5 of us went to Trader Joe's (That's where I am in my picture) to fill up Auntie Stacy's freezer. I was SUCH a good boy! I had never been to Trader Joe's before! We went back to Auntie Stacy's house and hung out for a while, then went out to a booooooring place! It was a cool enough building, but then LaniJo and I had to sit under the table while the people ate! But, we were pretty stoked that no one stepped on us! That normally happens in restaurants! Black dog+low light+dark carpet = black dogs get stepped on! But, not tonight! And The Melting Pot made everyone SO happy that I'd be happy enough to go back.
After a trip home, dinner was consumed and I am now ready to crash! SO sleepy!
Wags and Wiggles,