I am deeply sorry that my friend Katra and I have been at it again. It seems that, when we are left alone together, we bounce ideas off one another until we come up with the best idea yet. I understand that you may disagree with my thinking on this. But, we have done playing. We have romped. We have tugged. We have spun in circles. But, as we grow up, we have felt like we need to expand our horizons. We've been chatting about it for a while. Raiding the crock was fun. Sorting the trash was even more fun. But, today was the best idea we have had yet.

I must admit, the whole thing was pretty tiring. (Especially that part when Katra and I got locked outside while the cleaning started). It took a lot of stamina to spread the flour all the way to the front door. Our paws are really quite small in comparison to the amount of floor we covered. It was good to be able to take a rest once all our handy work was taken care of.

So, I am sorry that we got bored with the same old, same old and came up with a new way to have some fun. We will attempt to find an activity that requires less cleaning on your part next time. We promise.
PS That flour sits like a rock in the gut and makes it tough to get up and heft yourself out of the car. Thought you should know that, just in case you get a hankering to consume large quantities of flour.