Friday, September 10, 2010

What a Weekend!

It seems that our weekends are always jam packed with stuff! Some weekends, we are traveling. Some, we are have local stuff going on. But, some weekends, we make our own plans and pack it in!

This is the weekend of losing the camera.

Did you know that people go into a room where the lights go out and a big screen turns on?? Though it is dark and sleepy, they PAY to do this. I decided the best thing to do was sleep. But, the two-foots watched a movie in this room. Admittedly, it was hard to sleep in there! It was loud, but I can deal with that. But the floor was hard and COLD! I suffered through and shivered myself to sleep.

Dagan sitting in the movie theater
Then, on Saturday, I convinced the family to take me someplace new! So, we went off to the city and hit up the Exploratorium. It was bunches of fun! But, within the first 10 minutes of being there, Mom lost the camera! What a loser!

Luckily, we stopped by a camera sale on the way home, so we are able to keep up with all that I do! It was a long day though and by the time I got home, I was beat!

Dagan lying on his bed, looking up at the camera, one ear flipped inside out
Then came Sunday! I got to church on Sunday and was shocked to see someone I knew! My little brother Ned (he's my brother from another mother)!

Dagan sitting just in front of his brother - Dag on the left, Ned on the right
Ned was staying with Kerri for the weekend and helped me wrangle the kiddos before going into church. We do really great wrangling! I did have to show Ned how to sit still while being pet though. Good thing he picked it up fast! He's almost as smart as his favorite big brother!
Dagan being pet by a kid with Ned sitting next to himAfter that weekend, I needed a week at work to recover!

Wags and Wiggles,

1 comment:

  1. Dagan, tell your Mom to bring you a comfy mat next time you go to the movies. A dog's gotta have some standards. When I got too cold at the movies I would try to crawl into BFF's lap, next time give it a try. (not that it worked for me, but hope springs eternal)
